The Sad Tree's Fruit | Moral Story for Kids
In a village called Mangalagiri, there was a young man named Madhav. He was a good person and very determined, but he was very shy and didn’t talk much to others. Because of this, people started calling him "slow" and "someone who doesn’t think well."
Madhav began to believe these things about himself. He thought he wasn’t smart or capable. His mother was very sad when she saw this.
One day, Madhav's uncle from another village came to visit. Madhav’s mother told him about how her son was feeling bad because of what others were saying. Madhav's uncle spent four days watching him carefully. Then, he decided to help.
One evening, Madhav's uncle praised him and said, "You are capable and smart, Madhav."
Madhav, feeling sad, replied, "Are you making fun of me, uncle? I can't think properly. I don’t have any skills."
His uncle smiled and said, "Let’s make a bet. I will give you a challenge. Go around the village and find the 'sad tree.' If you can find it and tell me what it's good for, I will say that you are smart. But, if you can’t find it, I will agree with you that you are not capable."
Madhav agreed to the challenge.
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The next day, Madhav went all around the village asking everyone, "Where is the sad tree? What is it used for?" Everyone laughed at him, but he didn’t give up. He kept asking people, but no one knew. Finally, he sat by a pond and thought hard.
Nearby, some children were playing under a tamarind tree. Suddenly, Madhav remembered that "sad" means "tamarind" in another way. He quickly climbed the tree, picked tamarind fruit, and went to his mother. He said, "Mom, make some tamarind rice with these!"
In the evening, when Madhav’s uncle asked, "Did you find the sad tree?" Madhav smiled and said, "Yes, I won the bet, uncle! You were right. I am capable, and I can think."
His uncle was happy and said, "Good job, Madhav! I’m proud of you."
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